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Racket Care

Racket Care

Anything about rackets

Badminton Racket Review

Jag Pellay and his team are very passionate about Badminton and it’s this passion which drove them to create this site to help individuals find the right racket.

Grip Replacement

Replacement Grip vs Overgrip and what is an Underwrap. Knowing which is best for you and how to fit it.

Coming Soon!

Replacing your String

Is it worth replacing your string on a new racket or waiting until its broken. Benefits of doing it early.

Coming Soon!

String Tension

Advise on Racket String Tension.

Coming Soon!

Racket String Stencils

Do you like to logo on your racket string. How are they made and does it help improve your game?

Coming Soon!

Racket String Types

Hybrid Strings are becoming more popular where you have a different string type from horizontal to vertical. But are they any better?